The Iran-Iraq war is not always linked to the Iranian Revolution that brought the Ayatollahs to power, but it is indeed a direct result. The US, along with allies inside and outside the Middle East funded Iraq and diplomatically isolated Iran for the 8 years of the conflict. Iraq invaded Iran on 9/22, but has always insisted the war began earlier as a result of Iranian bombing.
I have learned about this conflict through studying other topics, but have yet to read a book directly about it.
Samantha Power’s book “Genocide: A Problem from Hell” was probably my first exposure.
A Problem From Hell- 2002
Chapter 8, the photo is of a Kurdish Widow holding photos of family members “disappeared” by Iraqi forces.
I also found the comic/film “Persepolis” to be illuminating regarding the war, as well as Iran itself.
Legacy of the Iran-Iraq War- Sinan S Mahmoud/ Aljazeera
The Iran-Iraq War- Pierre Razoux
A Problem From Hell: America and the Age of Genocide- Samantha Powers